Live TALK: Walking with Dinosaurs

Lets get one thing straight dinosaurs are cool. They were cool when I was reading about them while my friends were making out for the first time and they remain equally as cool now. Although in retrospect it was foolish to think girls would think I was boyfriend material based on my erudite reading choices. But you live and learn.
So if like me, you have a passion for all things paleo then boy do I have something to you. The award winning BBC ‘documentary’ about the long dead rulers of the planet has been on stage for a while but is finally coming to our back yard. Starting on the 19th January and ending five days later this dinosaur extravaganza will be blowing the minds of all who show up.
While most of the performances will be in Chinese, there is going to be one day (22nd January) where those who don’t know Chinese well enough for a lecture on dinosaurs can enjoy the educational side as well as visual spectacle.
Its taking place at the Mercedes-Benz Arena and is showcasing fifteen life-sized dinosaurs that all walk around the stage Jurassic Park style. It’s bound to be spectacle that will live with the attendees for long after its finished.
And if you cant wait for the stage version or just want to brush up on the difference between a Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus then you can get a DVD at most good DVD shops. You can get tickets through all the usual avenues.
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