
By Leah Stickley Hello! I’m back… But where is everyone? Where are my family and the friends that I have been keeping in touch with while living...
By Leah Stickley Most of what I read in my role as a repatriation coach says the same – returning home can be as tough as moving abroad. This is not news...
Leah Stickley Growing up, every year there were the new kids at school who stood out because they had lived in another country. There was Hilary who had an...
By Leah Stickley The boxes have been unpacked, and the house is beginning to feel familiar. The shops have been located as well as the pub. Next on the list...
By Leah Stickley Holiday over. Reality sinking in. Not going to the annual Robert Burns' supper. Not getting ready for Chinese New Year. Not hibernating...
The Leah of last year seems a distant figure and I don’t recognise her. The cravings for food and booze – did I really give into all those carb-...
For this week’s post, I decided to invite my dear friend to write about her experience of ‘patriating’-re/ex/self. Today I find myself...
What do you do when you see tears well in the eyes of the strongest woman you know because you’re leaving? I identify wholeheartedly with the emotion she...
By Leah Stickley Previously, I wrote about having a check list of things to do such as packing, shipping, ending leases, saying goodbye and also completing...
By Leah Stickley I see a hand before me holding a Reeb, and I see another hand reaching for a bowl of crisps. Whose hands are these? They are mine! Under...
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