
A question I get asked with some frequency is, “Wow man, you must work with like a lot of really hot girls, yeah?” And my answer is, “...
Jonathan has played the token white guy in more than 60 Chinese films and sitcoms. Not surprisingly, he has more than a few tales to tell about his experiences...
Writer’s note: This is the second lifestyle essay in a series designed to help young adults simplify the process of self-actualisation. Based on Maslow...
Dear Natasha, I just watched The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, and there's this scene where Jean-Do – paralysed after a stroke – has this...
Dear Natasha, My boyfriend cheated on me and when I found out, I immediately reacted with fury. I dumped his ass. But I'm still crushed.What can I do to get...
I stood on a mountain in Tibet, my finger broken and purple, and said to my crew, “Seriously guys, I have to leave like right this minute or I won't make...
If you want to get rich (who doesn’t?!) it’s not so difficult la. It may seem really difficult in the beginning, almost impossible, like climbing...
I step from the sub-zero air of the hotel lobby into the early morning oven of Wanchai, The Kong’s little Gomorrah. The familiar cocktail of harbour...
Jonathan has played the token white guy in more than 60 Chinese films and sitcoms. Not surprisingly, he has more than a few tales to tell about his experiences...
Existence can be a humdrum affair, but every once in a long while, a tiny crack appears in the drab brick of everyday life, a short crumbling sliver that...
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