
Behold The Security Guard, a symbol of some authority, green tea swirling in the depths of his favourite thermos, the breeze from an old metal fan mussing the...
Seems like everyone is an expert these days, that I alone carry the mantle of mediocrity. It’s a little intimidating to be around so many authorities on...
Rupert Pupkin shares his thoughts on why living in the mainland is hard, oh so very hard… The Mysterious Mainland. Unknowable. Precarious. Swelling and...
Resident satirist Rupert Pupkin tells us why the latest box office smash will be very much a fairytale…Lines are already forming to see the maiden...
  Everything you think you know – and you think you know a lot – is almost correct. Almost. There are wide gaps in your knowledge, and these...
Several handsome and capable world leaders, smart fellows who paid the price of greatness (adjusted for inflation), have asserted that there are forces at work...
The cold arms of winter embrace the great urban mass. Even the concrete underfoot seems to take its hardness more seriously; skyscrapers stiffen and creak...
The unspeakable can finally be spoken. It is now a matter of public record (thanks to the Bank of China and the Hurun Report): people who have big bucks want...
Long term exposure to another culture can be enlightening. A student of language might flower in such a setting, while a career-minded anthropologist or a...
By Rupert Pupkin Regional airports and airlines have a strange effect on a traveller; they render him far more intolerant of people than he might be if he were...
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