2011 Trend Hunting

Yesterday’s News


In 2010, artful entrepreneurs threw up “creative clusters” by painting cheap warehouses around the city orange and charging small rents to struggling artists. The Creative Clusters have been declared “nothing but government sponsored gentrification” by Rebecca Catching. Lisa Movius concurs, declaring the trend “a failure” that was over before it even began.

In other art news, Martin Kemble says politics will become completely irrelevant to contemporary Chinese art. “Finally, thank God – it’s like talking about food all the time when you can never take a bite,” he says.


Say goodbye to the Bund as we know it. The bastion of innovative cuisine in Shanghai will settle into a new role as a very mainstream tourist-driven location that lacks culinary imagination, according to David Laris. The Aussie admits to being a little defiant in the wake of his namesake restaurant’s controversial closing, but it seems like he just can’t help himself. He also prognosticates that at least one major name (in addition to his own) will leave its stalwart Bund position early next year.

Pleas from around town to quit jabbering about the “next Xintiandi” will hopefully be heard in 2011 when the new XTD-copycat complexes will sink or swim (we’re looking at you, Sinan Mansions). And, seriously, isn’t the city already out of heritage buildings to knock down so expats can make room for a new dining and drinking playground?


Sara Villareal, owner of The Villa, has one piece of advice for shoe-loving ladies this year. “Boots covered in fur are a definite NO. What are you, a caveman? There is a difference between boots with classy shearling around the ankle (like Burberry did this season) and boots that make you look ridiculous.” Point taken.

Remember how every luxury brand is staying in the black by flogging their wares to China’s new middle class? That could all end in 2011 as the nouveau riche’s taste become more discerning and sophisticated. Blindly buying big name labels is out. Small designers with interesting pieces are in. Get with the program.


Several music industry insiders are happy to see that trance finally bit the dust in 2010. Good riddance to glow sticks. Finally, with tongue somewhat in cheek, Archie Hamilton notes that Beijing’s position at the top of China’s musical tree has come to an end, usurped by Shanghai.

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