2011 Trend Hunting

“I think there will be a taste for retro in the form of '70s glamour; maxi dresses, bright colours, knitwear mixed with wool bottoms, and long luxurious locks.”

- Sandy Chu, Shanghai Style blogger

Chu’s prediction is parroted by fellow fashion blogger Heejung Jun (www.hee-j.com), who advises monochromatic girls “hit the colour” in 2011 and keep an eye out for maxi skirts.

”Live music will continue to expand, with bigger and better venues opening and thriving, while seeing more and more heavy music, along with the fast development of subcultures that reflect the national mood.”

- Archie Hamilton, owner of Split Works

The Split Works’ don is optimistic about the future of live music with Mao Livehouse’s Xu Dan agreeing that the city should see an expansion of both new venues and bands in the New Year.

“Mixed Martial Arts will make a huge impact on China next year, with people jumping onto the bandwagon, drawing similarities between traditional Wu Shu styles to create a new fighting system. The sport has seen an incredible growth in the West these past few years, and it looks like China is next.”

- Benoit Thebaut, managing director of Riviera Events

Could this be a Jai alai, pie-in-the-sky, Mad Men moment or will MMA really take off?

“2011 will be the year of the music festival… we will see more and more outdoor festivals popping up here, there and everywhere.”

- Cameron Wilson, founder of Void

Wilson is in agreement with Florian Luthi of Matt&Flo parties and Hamilton, who both think Shanghai will finally develop music festivals worthy of its status as a global city.

“I think import restrictions on cheese and bacteria cultures will loosen. Meaning more funky stuff for everyone and hopefully the ability to import cultures that will help us make cheese here on our own!”

- Austin Hu, executive chef of Madison

If we listen to Adam Levin, chef at Shanghai Slims, restrictions on USDA meat will also relax and 2011 will become “the year of the steakhouse.”

“Shanghai will see a growth in more academic, independently-curated shows thanks to institutions such as the Rockbund Museum, Minsheng Museum and newly opened Himalayas Museum.”

- Rebecca Catching, curator of OV Gallery

Events at these new museums are expected to generate more intellectual discourse, as will the newly-launched bilingual art-focused magazines.

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