Talking To: Eike Stratmann

by Suzanne Edwards
Shanghai’s art scene has the will and the drive, but still seems to lack the institutional presence of the more evolved scenes in Hong Kong and Beijing. While this somewhat raw state is frustrating to some, it allows for many others, such as Shanghai Detour founder Eike Stratmann, to explore opportunities they wouldn’t be able to find in better-established cities.
“The freedom is possible in Shanghai because there is an art scene, but there’s so much left to do…like an art map!” Stratmann says.
This native of Berlin has worked tirelessly for the past three years to bring her experience and expertise to fruition in the form of Shanghai Detour maps. Artfully simple and endlessly handy, these city maps unlock the secrets of Shanghai’s art culture by pinpointing the location of commercial and independent galleries and art spaces, exhibitions and museums.
Stratmann strives to offer a democratic approach to publicity for different gallery operators throughout the city by keeping map entry fees low and relentlessly expanding the number of spaces she includes on the map. For the galleries, it’s an economical way to advertise in what is rapidly becoming the foremost guide to Shanghai art. For art enthusiasts the city over, it’s a free public service to anyone with the time and mind to delve both onto and off of the beaten art path.
“I'm using it for everything: openings, addresses and exhibitions. With it, I can say I'm always up-to-date!” says map fan and operator of Bund 18 gallery Pauline Foessel. Foessel also uses the maps in her gallery to direct patrons to other must-see spaces.
In true democratic fashion, the map is bilingual so that Shanghai locals, tourists and expats can enjoy its bounty. Stratmann translates the locations and gallery names herself word for word, though Mandarin was never a language she studied before moving to the city with her husband in 2009. To this day, she relies only on the aide of her Chinese teacher and the proofreading of the gallery operators themselves.
In addition to providing all of the map’s bilingual text, she personally drives the finished project to each location highlighted on the map once it’s published. This way Stratmann can keep relationships fresh and stay on top what’s new in the art world. This process of discovery and relationship building is the primary motivation for her perseverance.