Share & Compare: Hot Chocolate

By Audrey Courty & Janine Reichel
Back in the 19th century, hot chocolate was used to treat stomach ailments. While many a child has tried to pull the wool over mum and dad’s eyes with that one, there is something therapeutic to be said for a warming, creamy cup of cocoa. And don’t forget the marshmallows.
Don’t let its minimalist appearance deceive you – hoF’s signature hot chocolate is certainly on par with their enduring reputation for all things chocolate. Made from melted chocolate chips and freshly steamed milk, hoF delivers a classic combination of simple decadence in a cup. The velvety, rich consistency of imported chocolate is carefully balanced with the bitter note of 72 per cent cocoa. Pair it with hoF’s notorious chocolate truffles (RMB 13) and you have the ultimate guilty pleasure.
RMB 36. hoF dessert lounge, 30 Sinan Lu, near Huaihai Zhong Lu. Tel: 6093 2058. Web:
Served in an egg-shaped mug, Whisk’s creamy concoction practically begs to be savoured while warmly cradled in both hands. Made from quality ingredients, the full-bodied complexity rolls off the palate with a sweet, nutty finish. This version is ideal for insatiable chocolate-lovers looking for a rich cocoa fix. If you are so inclined, couple your drink with one of Whisk’s sinfully delicious upside-down cakes (RMB 45) – we guarantee your coco-satisfaction!
RMB 38. Whisk, 1250 Huaihai Lu, near Huating Lu. Tel: 5404 7770
Le Jardin Secret
We believe Le Jardin Secret’s secluded location is not the only secret worth revealing: their dizzyingly thick hot chocolate is certainly worth a mention. While it is prepared the traditional way with freshly steamed milk and cocoa powder, the rich whirl of chocolate syrup and the dollop of whipped cream elevate it to gourmet standards. With the soothing sounds of Cesaria Evora in the background, you might even settle in and enjoy more than just this satisfying dose of decadent hot chocolate.
RMB 35. Le Jardin Secret, 525 Fahuazhen Lu, near Dingxi Lu. Tel: 6082 1775
Sofa Bar’s
If you’re looking for a novel take on that generic cup of milk chocolate, Sofa Bar offers a variety of infused flavors to pique your taste buds. Choose from a selection of espresso, dark chocolate, cinnamon, and their most popular flavor, caramel. Served in a bowl, the chief ingredient in this concoction is Belgian chocolate topped with a crown of hand-made whipped cream and chocolate pins. Surprisingly however, the chocolate is subdued by the diluted consistency, making it ideal for those seeking a lightly concentrated drink.
RMB 35. Sofa Bar, 41 Xianghuaqiao Lu, near Fahuazhen Lu. Tel: 6294 9477
Winner: hoF
While Sofa Bar’s variety of chocolate infusions were an innovative take on this traditional winter elixir, and Whisk and Le Jardin Secret’s concoctions were both extremely satisfying, none could defeat hoF’s delicate balance between richness and quantity. Made simply, hoF reigns supreme for producing a classic cup of hot cocoa.