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Helping Hands

World Humanitarian Day was instituted by the UN General Assembly in order to commemorate the nearly 700 humanitarian aid workers who have died trying to make the world a better and safer place. This 19 August, be inspired by all that humanitarian do-gooding and get involved in helping out. Not everyone can be an aid worker, but everyone has it in them to do something positive for their own community, as well as the world at large. To make it easy for you, TALK has compiled five fast and easy ways to make a difference. 

Clothing Swap

We are sure there are some of you out there who, like us, have a lot of extra clothing lying around. A clothing swap party is a great way to get rid of what you no longer wear and get some new (well, kinda new) stuff you will wear. A swap party is also great for the environment; instead of throwing something away, you recycle it. Invite some close friends, go through your closet and find usable things you no longer wear. Hats, belts, shoes and other accessories can be traded as well. Be sure to get some snacks and music to make it a fun time. Don't forget to wash all the clothing prior to the swap. If, after the swap, there is still clothing no one wants, extra items can be donated to River of Hearts in Shanghai, who will distribute them to people in need.


Tree Planting

Roots & Shoots is an organisation that originated from the Jane Goodall Institute; they have been based in Shanghai since 1999. One of their most popular programs is the Million Tree Project. The goal is to plant one million trees in Kulun Qi, Inner Mongolia by 2014. Over-usage of the land and the greenhouse effect has caused the once lush landscape to become barren. Due to the loss of landscape, there have been large-scale sand storms that are harming the people and livestock of Inner Mongolia. As of April 2010, Roots & Shoots had planted around 410,000 trees. Perhaps the best part of this deal is that one tree only costs RMB 25 and to purchase a tree, all you have to do is email or give Roots & Shoots a call.

Tel: 6352 3580. Email: roots&[email protected]

Donating Blood

Donating blood is a great way to give directly back to your community, and it's virtually painless. The Shanghai Blood Centre, which is affiliated with the International Red Cross, is the best place in town to go and donate. There are 13 fixed locations all over Shanghai, as well as a few mobile centres – you can find exact locations on their website (see below). The main centre is located at 1191 Hongqiao Lu in Changning District. They suggest people make an appointment before coming along. Giving blood is safe if done properly at an accredited centre and the Shanghai Blood Centre says they more then qualified, “SBC will try its utmost to provide high quality and safe blood products and the best services to hospitals and donors”.

Tel: 6275 8027. Web:

Are you planning on doing any travelling around China? If you are planning a trip that takes in any of the country's rural areas, you should get connected to This organisation's goal is to help get school supplies to rural classrooms that might not otherwise have enough, and to do it free of charge. Since they began in 2004 they have given school supplies to over 700 schools in rural China. All you need to do is register with before your next trip and they can fill you in on any schools in the area that need supplies. Save the equivalent of 1kg or more space in your suitcases or backpack and then take some basic supplies to a school. Upon returning, share your experience with, as well as your friends and hopefully more people will be inspired to help out.

Web: Email: [email protected]

Adopt a Panda

Pandas are one of the most iconic symbols of China. There are various organisations through which you can adopt a panda. Defenders of Wildlife enables you can adopt a panda for just USD 15. The money from the adoption goes towards educating people and protecting the pandas’ habitat.

Though Panda International you can adopt a panda for a year for USD 500 or just be a partial sponsor, which ranges in price from USD 25 to USD 250 a year. Finally, through the Chengdu Research Base, located in Chengdu, you can fully adopt a panda for life for RMB 50,000.




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