Spa Review: Oxy Massage

What: Traditional Chinese Foot Massage (30 min) & Aromatic Oil Massage (60 min)
Where: Oxy Massage. 439 Wukang Lu, near Xingguo Lu. Tel: 6431 7092. Web:
Why: Great value, great massage, and extra great loyalty points
How Much: RMB 290

My quest for finding an affordable “regular” massage parlour may finally have ended with my discovery of Oxy in Xuhui District, a small but sweet little treatment centre specialising in foot massages and oil therapies. Founder Kevin Gui has already amassed a fair few fans since opening his centre a couple of months ago, and it's not hard to see why. Part of this is of course owing to the great value for money and the loyalty card service, the latter of which largely separates Oxy from other spas in town. But on first appearances the bright and cheerful interior is another big draw. Decorated throughout in whites and creams, the interior of Oxy is calming in its cleanliness, and the massage treatments likewise proves effective in cleansing and calming a tired and stressed mind. 

After showering, I wrapped in a soft cotton robe and relaxed into a big comfy chair to begin my foot treatment. Not one for normally having my feet touched, I found myself surprisingly succumbing to calmness as my masseuse targeted the right pressure points, wringing out the knots in my tired, achy feet. Half an hour of this and I found myself curiously a lot more refreshed than when I’d walked in and ready to start the next part of my treatment.

Which was my massage: a one hour treatment of bliss that I didn’t want to come to an end. My masseuse spread a blended organic oil of lavender, sage, marjoram, almond and grape seed over my body and kneaded out the sore points from my fingers to my toes. The oil, said to reduce fatigue and stress, along with my masseuse’s expert techniques succeeded in having me turn to putty on the table. When I returned home, I slept the best I had in weeks.