Whether it’s been just a few dates or you’ve been going together for a while, there comes a time when your relationship starts to get serious. It...
You've been with your significant other for a while now – years, decades even, and things have gotten to the point where they just don't seem...
All the single ladies! And all you single gents out there too, listen up! We feel your pain; finding a date in Shanghai is no easy task, and in the fast paced...
Everywhere you look everyone’s gone iPhone crazy. A short ride on the subway will bring you into contact with anywhere upwards of five people, heavily...
If last month’s newly available three-day pass wasn’t hint enough, this year promises to be a big one for the Shanghai metro. With four new lines (...
Text by Jamie Barys
Photos by Janine Reichel
Last autumn, Shanghai Kaixuanmen Corporate Development Ltd announced that they were planning to tear down...
When David Laris made plans to open a Shanghainese restaurant, the audacity of it all was tempered by the announcement that the menu design would be done...
In an opinion column in last month’s New York Times entitled “Go East, Young Man”, Jonathan Levine, a recent Ivy League graduate and current...
by Misty Sloane
Another year, another New Year’s resolution unfulfilled. Do you even remember what your resolution for 2011 was? Well, here’s your...
Text by Jamie Barys, Photographs by Janine Reichel
When Justyn Giachetti moved to Shanghai from Los Angeles last February, she threw out her old wardrobe along...