Community TALK: Speed Dating

Let’s face it, in Shanghai it is hard to find someone who wants to be in a committed relationship. People come and go, while others are just looking for someone ‘to have fun with’ and we all know what that means... But for those who do get lonely here and are looking for that someone special in their life, a word of advice. Try speed-dating!
The Hongqiao Grand Mercure hosted a speed-dating event last weekend and, on behalf of all of Shanghai’s singletons, TALK attended to find out what it was all about. It basically works like this: The women stay at their table, which they share with one or two other ladies depending on the number of women in proportion to the number of men, while the men move from to the next table every eight minutes. Your date lasts for that long and that is all you get to introduce yourself, listen to his story and unfortunately hear out the competition. The guys sometimes break a sweat and are put on the spot with three women interrogating him, but it is a comfortable setting where people are honest about who they are and what they are looking for. And even in that short period of time, you will feel the connection or chemistry – if there is any – and know whether you want to know more about a particular person or not.
Even if you can’t find your match, it is a great and fun experience. There may be one or two who manage to spoil the fun because they figured the event would be a great opportunity to promote a business and some just seem indifferent, but other than that, speed dating is cool, safe and most of the people who join are genuinely interested. Participants are of all ages and races, everyone speaks English and there’s no need to worry about awkward silences. You will definitely have a laugh. Besides, you might end up meeting great friends.
The event is organized by OK, Deal! Club and will be hosted at a different venue each time. A free drink and snacks are included and you could be voted most popular guy or girl and go home with great prizes as well! Although the first prize is of course finding your other half...
RMB 120 (pre-sale), RMB 150 (at the door). E: [email protected]. W:
Let’s face it, in Shanghai it is hard to find someone who wants to be in a committed relationship. People come and go, while others are just looking for someone ‘to have fun with’ and we all know what that means...
LOL...I strongly agree with this words!