Art Happenings: Bund 18, Weihai 696
There is a moose, white with trepidation, standing on a disintegrating ice floe high up in the Bund 18 atrium. Lu Jiawei’s “Warmed Ice” installation suggests fragility and impermanence in a site that protests its durability in marble and diamonds.
The work had to be installed after-hours so as not to interfere with the trade of the building’s luxury boutiques. That meant Lu Jiawei and his team were pulling all nighters last weekend, trying not to be distracted by people staging their stumbling retreats from nights out at Bar Rouge and Lounge 18.
“Warmed Ice” was curated by Biljana Ciric and is presented in collaboration with 18 Gallery. That moose will be giving people the chills until June 10.
Up in 18 Gallery proper, Yang Yongliang, master dodger, master burner, has a solo show called “Artificial Wonderland.” He mostly continues and develops his practice of using nontraditional means to make pictures that resemble traditional Chinese ink landscapes: combining images of skyscrapers, cranes and power pylons using graphic manipulation software. It’s work that still impresses. There’s a VIP opening for the show tonight, 6-9pm, so if you’re very important (and you are; I just know it) then go check it out. The show runs until June 8.
Bund 18 Gallery, 4F, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Dong Lu. Tel: 6323 8099.
The artists at Weihai 696 are throwing open their studio doors again this May 8-9 for International Artists' Day. It’s a great chance to check out dozens of artists and designers’ studios, and see the colourful, graffiti-ish canvases of Chris Gill (and usually a neat pyramid of tonic cans somewhere) and Ma Liang’s amazing props playroom. Chris has some more information about the event on his blog, Shanghaieye: “Various things planned such as a performance by a Spanish sound artist in the Office 339 space from 4pm. Audience and artists encouraged to wear pajamas.” Hells yeah they are.
696 Weihai Lu, near Shanxi Nan Lu.