Lollipop Indoor Playground: A Parent’s Point Of View


At just 17 months of age, our little boy is already a force to be reckoned with. His insatiable curiosity coupled with a solar-like source of endless energy makes him nearly impossible to appease. Setting him loose in the many and varied parks of Shanghai is an option; alas, the recent schizophrenic weather patterns here make scheduling outdoor time quite impractical. By sheer chance, we stumbled upon an indoor playground named Lollipop. With an abundance of ball pits and building blocks, slides and structures, trampolines and target guns, it is both a wonderland of fun for vigorous toddlers (up to three years of age) and a place of refuge for weary parents. Though unstructured and unattended, at only RMB 900 for 6 months of unlimited access, it won’t break your bank like other exorbitant play farms. There are branches scattered around Shanghai. Call for locations and hours of operations.


Lollipop Indoor Playground. Tel: 189 1816 7284